Windows 10 Computers Automatically Updating the Day After Patch Tuesday Windows.Once the syntax has worked, most optimising compilers will put in no code for the loop at all. Temporary stack variables, switch statements, temporary struct definitions, in fact anything valid in main() can go in there. Or you can enclose the assignments in the define in block in which you can do anything valid in C. But that means the user has to know whether SetSize is a define or a function.

You can fix this by either removing the last from the define, or not placing one after the call. If (Condition) SetSize( win, 40, 73) else SetSize( win, 80, 50) Īnd it fails because there is now a hidden empty statement that detaches the else from the if, caused by that third semicolon. But in fact, it fails when you write like: That seems OK - there is just an empty statement after the textual substitution in the pre-processor. Well, there are three semicolons there, two in the define and one in the call. You want to be able to write in your code: SetSize (w, x, y) Suppose you want a #define that sets two values (very common in X to set x and y, or width and height, together). h file but it took me a long while to figure out what was happening and why it was useful. Here is a related idiom in C (using a once-only loop) which solves a real problem. And for the really obscure, you can put in continue instead, and it still stops! I tend to use functions (C and awk and bash) just so I can do early returns on error conditions. If you found that by yourself, you are smarter than that is also a deeply original construct. I acknowledge your prior post about the do.