#Mysql workbench download schema for mac#
Table of Contents 10.1 General Installation Requirements 10.1.1 ODBC Libraries 10.1.2 ODBC Drivers 10.2 Migration Overview 10.2.1 A Visual Guide to Performing a Database Migration 10.2.2 Migrating from Supported Databases 10.2.3 Migrating from Unsupported (Generic) Databases 10.3 Conceptual DBMS Equivalents 10.4 Microsoft Access Migration 10.5 Microsoft SQL Server Migration 10.5.1 Preparations 10.5.2 Drivers 10.5.3 Connection Setup 10.5.4 Microsoft SQL Server Type Mapping 10.6 PostgreSQL migration 10.6.1 Preparations 10.6.2 Drivers 10.6.3 Connection Setup 10.6.4 PostgreSQL Type Mapping 10.7 MySQL Migration 10.8 Using the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard 10.8.1 Connecting to the Databases 10.8.2 Schema Retrieval and Selection 10.8.3 Reverse Engineering 10.8.4 Object Selection 10.8.5 Migration 10.8.6 Manual Editing 10.8.7 Target Creation Options 10.8.8 Schema Creation 10.8.9 Create Target Results 10.8.10 Data Transfer and Migration Setup 10.8.11 Bulk Data Transfer 10.8.12 Migration Report 10. The design of the WorldDB database schema, including the names of entities, the data types of the attributes, and the types of the relationships, is shown in the following Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram: Use the MySQL Workbench tool to determine the primary and foreign keys, according to the ER diagram shown above, and that to describe the. Download the latest version of MySQL Workbench for Mac for free. 19 This is simple in Workbench, and I'll use the freely available sakila database as an example. When you first open MySQL Workbench a default schema, mydb appears as the leftmost tab of the Physical Schemas section of MySQL Workbench as the following figure shows.